Ene - G Soap 1 pc
Ene - G Soap 5 pcs/box

ENE-G Energizing Soap
ENE-G Energizing Soap, enriched with double moisturizing and hydrating complex: to activate skin cells in order to maintain, enhance, renew skin, protect against harmful bacteria and skin problem. Energizing Soap induced by 21st century breakthrough Quantum Induction Technology considered the ONE and ONLY kind product in the market, contains ionized activated electrons that energized many cells within our body and thus, the skin is moisturized, nourished and refreshed.


  • Moisturize and protect the skin
  • Eliminates superfluous grease, dirt from the skin and clear pores
  • Prevent frictional irritation and clapping results from the dry skin
  • Rejuvenate and replace the lost moisture in dry skin
  • Stimulates circulation while moisturizing the dry itchy skin
  • Relieves the dryness, itching and uncomfortable feeling dry skin
  • Excellent in supporting skin problem condition such as eczema
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